AWS SDK for C++: Aws::EC2::Model::InstanceStatusDetails Class Reference

Publish date: 2024-05-09

#include <InstanceStatusDetails.h>

Describes the instance status.

Definition at line 39 of file InstanceStatusDetails.h.


The time when a status check failed. For an instance that was launched and impaired, this is the time when the instance was launched.

Definition at line 103 of file InstanceStatusDetails.h.

const StatusName& Aws::EC2::Model::InstanceStatusDetails::GetName()const
const StatusType& Aws::EC2::Model::InstanceStatusDetails::GetStatus()const
void Aws::EC2::Model::InstanceStatusDetails::OutputToStream(Aws::OStreamostream,
const char * location,
unsigned index,
const char * locationValue 
void Aws::EC2::Model::InstanceStatusDetails::OutputToStream(Aws::OStreamoStream,
const char * location 
void Aws::EC2::Model::InstanceStatusDetails::SetImpairedSince(const Aws::Utils::DateTimevalue)

The time when a status check failed. For an instance that was launched and impaired, this is the time when the instance was launched.

Definition at line 109 of file InstanceStatusDetails.h.

The time when a status check failed. For an instance that was launched and impaired, this is the time when the instance was launched.

Definition at line 115 of file InstanceStatusDetails.h.

void Aws::EC2::Model::InstanceStatusDetails::SetName(const StatusNamevalue)
void Aws::EC2::Model::InstanceStatusDetails::SetName(StatusName && value)
void Aws::EC2::Model::InstanceStatusDetails::SetStatus(const StatusTypevalue)
void Aws::EC2::Model::InstanceStatusDetails::SetStatus(StatusType && value)

The time when a status check failed. For an instance that was launched and impaired, this is the time when the instance was launched.

Definition at line 121 of file InstanceStatusDetails.h.

The time when a status check failed. For an instance that was launched and impaired, this is the time when the instance was launched.

Definition at line 127 of file InstanceStatusDetails.h.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file:
