Wrongful Termination Lawyers Pittsburgh Pa

Publish date: 2024-05-05

Employee handbook review service

It's our job to spot violations of state and federal laws, including discrimination, retaliation, or breach of contract. At Lacy Employment Law Firm LLC, we know the struggles workers face when they're not fairly compensated. We won't stand for injustice, and we'll fight tirelessly to ensure that every client we represent is treated fairly and with respect. Learn more about Wrongful Termination Lawyers Pittsburgh Pa here We also emphasize that employers can't retaliate against an employee for asserting their rights under the ADA.

At The Lacy Employment Law Firm LLC, we're committed to confronting employment discrimination head-on, ensuring that your rights in the workplace are upheld. We recognize that discrimination in the workplace can manifest in various ways, whether it's based on race, gender, age, disability, sexual orientation, religion, or any other protected characteristic. Learn more about Lacy Employment Law Firm here. We're committed to fighting for your rights and ensuring that you receive the justice you deserve.

When we draft contracts, we're not just filling in blanks; we're creating tailored agreements that encapsulate the unique aspects of your employment relationship. At The Lacy Employment Law Firm LLC, we've got a proven track record of confronting employers who retaliate against their employees. In a high-profile case, we secured a significant judgement for several employees who'd been subjected to a hostile work environment.

Their victories are our victories, and we're committed to achieving the best possible results through meticulous preparation and strategic execution. PA law updates and compliance Our strategy at The Lacy Employment Law Firm LLC involves a meticulous analysis of each client's unique situation to identify potential ADA and FMLA violations. Moreover, we offer counsel on non-compete and severance agreements, helping you understand the fine print and negotiate terms in your favor.
