RIP- Nelson Frazier, Jr. | WrestleZone Forums

Publish date: 2024-04-15
There are some dicks on these forums, there really are...

To be fair though, even I was somewhat disparaging to Mabel yesterday in my Wrestlemania 11 rebooking in that I said in my world he'd be nowhere near the King of The Ring win he got... but I also pointed one thing out that is absolutely true and actually perhaps the thing he will never be "credited for" but had the most impact to WWE to the point they OWE him one.

In 95 they did their push with him and put him against Undertaker, as we all know something went wrong during the match and he legit crushed Taker's orbital bone, forcing the "Phantom" mask but more importantly they actually looked at what they were doing with Taker as a result... just putting him in with "Monster of the Month" and decided to made a shift.

From that point Taker's career was changed radically, they started to use him with the "better workers" instead of the monsters... and Mark Callaway's true talent emerged, that he was basically a VERY quick learner from Bret, Shawn, Foley etc.

Prior to the Mabel incident, the character was in big danger of becoming parody and certainly there was no notion of a "streak", that Taker would have lost. But the Taker that they built after the Mabel match didn't become parody, because he had improved as a worker to what he became and thus we have a likely continuation of the most important streak of wins in WWE history this year as well. Likewise, Mabel's push going down like a fart in a sauna led them to start to look at other guys like Austin, Brian Pillman and Vader in short it was pretty much the end of the rot in WWE. On balance he did a lot for them by not being what they hoped for.

Mabel was let go for a bit but, once they realised he'd done them a favor then he was back with a new character in Viscera and kept on coming back for years.

Nelson Frazier Jr. wasn't the best worker, but he was one of the better monsters out there, his character, particularly "Big Daddy V" and the stuff with Lillian was actually pretty good. He had a look and while Men On a Mission was ridiculous, his heel persona was menacing enough that he warranted A position, just not what they tried to push for him.

The guy will be missed, it's another gone too young and it's also a BIG warning to WWE on guys like Show, Khali, Kane and even Taker... big guys are likely to die younger no matter how much you take care of them... We might start seeing some of them retiring sooner rather than later. RIP V...
