Aljamain Sterling Height How Tall is Aljamain Sterling?

Publish date: 2024-05-07

When it comes to the world of mixed martial arts, Aljamain Sterling is a name that stands out. This American professional fighter has made waves in the Bantamweight division of the Ultimate Fighting Championship (UFC). But just how tall is Aljamain Sterling?

aljamain sterling height

Aljamain Sterling stands at an impressive height of 5 feet 7 inches (1.70 m). Despite not being the tallest fighter in the division, Sterling’s skills and determination have propelled him to great success in the world of MMA.

Key Takeaways:

Aljamain Sterling’s Early Life and Wrestling Career

Aljamain Sterling, born on July 31, 1989, has had an impressive journey in the world of mixed martial arts. His early life and wrestling career played a crucial role in shaping him into the fighter he is today. Born in Uniondale, New York, to Jamaican parents, Sterling faced the challenges of growing up in a community affected by gang activity.

In order to stay away from the dangers of the street, Sterling found solace on the wrestling mats. He started his wrestling journey at Uniondale High School in 2004, where he honed his skills and developed a strong work ethic. Sterling’s dedication and perseverance paid off as he continued his wrestling career at Morrisville State College, where he achieved the status of a two-time NCAA Division III All-American with an impressive record of 87-27.

Seeking further growth and opportunities, Sterling transferred to Cortland, where he continued to excel in wrestling. He graduated from Cortland with a bachelor’s degree in physical education, laying a solid foundation for his future endeavors in the world of combat sports.

“Wrestling has been my foundation and the sport that taught me discipline, hard work, and mental toughness. It shaped me as a person and laid the groundwork for my success in mixed martial arts,” reflects Sterling.

The Impact of Wrestling on Sterling’s Fighting Style

Sterling’s background in wrestling significantly influenced his fighting style in mixed martial arts. The years of intense training and competition in wrestling instilled in him a strong grappling base and exceptional takedown ability. His experience on the wrestling mats translated seamlessly into the world of MMA, allowing him to dominate opponents with his ground game and control.

“Wrestling gave me the ability to dictate where the fight goes. It’s an essential skill set that has helped me secure victories and climb the ranks in the Bantamweight division,” explains Sterling.

As Sterling’s career progressed, his wrestling background became a formidable weapon in the UFC. His exceptional wrestling skills coupled with his ever-evolving striking game have made him a force to be reckoned with in the octagon.

Key Highlights of Aljamain Sterling’s Wrestling Career
Started wrestling at Uniondale High School in 2004
Two-time NCAA Division III All-American
Record of 87-27 in college wrestling
Graduated from Cortland with a bachelor’s degree in physical education

Aljamain Sterling’s Mixed Martial Arts Career

After his successful wrestling career, Aljamain Sterling transitioned into the world of mixed martial arts. He made his professional debut in 2011 and quickly gained recognition for his impressive skills and determination in the cage. Sterling fought in various promotions before finally signing with the Ultimate Fighting Championship (UFC) in 2014, where he continues to compete in the Bantamweight division.

Throughout his MMA career, Sterling has faced and defeated some of the toughest opponents in his weight class. He has showcased his versatility and well-rounded skill set by utilizing his wrestling background combined with his striking abilities. With a record of 23 wins and only 4 losses, Sterling has proven himself as a top contender in the Bantamweight division.

Notable fights in his career include victories over Cody Gibson, Hugo Viana, and Takeya Mizugaki, where he demonstrated his ability to dominate his opponents with a strategic game plan. Sterling’s calculated approach to his fights, along with his ability to adapt and capitalize on openings, has earned him a reputation as a formidable opponent.

Aljamain Sterling’s MMA Career HighlightsWinsLosses
Notable WinsPedro Munhoz, Jimmie Rivera

With his exceptional skills and relentless drive, Aljamain Sterling has proven himself as a force to be reckoned with in the world of mixed martial arts. As he continues to evolve as a fighter, fans can expect to see even more impressive performances from him in the future.

Aljamain Sterling’s UFC Championship and Title Defenses

Aljamain Sterling reached a significant milestone in his career when he became the UFC Bantamweight Champion. Winning the title by disqualification in a bout against Petr Yan at UFC 259, Sterling showcased his resilience and determination. However, his journey as a champion did not end there. He successfully defended his title against Yan in a rematch at UFC 273, securing a victory via split decision.

As the reigning champion, Sterling holds the record for the most consecutive title defenses in UFC Bantamweight history. His ability to overcome challenges and come out on top has solidified his position as one of the top fighters in the division. Sterling’s strategic approach to his title defenses and his knack for adapting to different opponents have showcased his versatility as a fighter.

The Impact of Sterling’s Championship

Aljamain Sterling’s championship reign has had a profound impact on the Bantamweight division. His victory over Petr Yan and subsequent title defenses have elevated the division’s status and garnered widespread attention. Sterling’s unique fighting style and his ability to captivate audiences with his performances have made him a fan favorite. By becoming the champion, Sterling has set a new standard for excellence in the Bantamweight division.

Table: Aljamain Sterling’s UFC Bantamweight Championship and Title Defenses

Aljamain Sterling UFC Bantamweight Champion

UFC 259March 6, 2021Petr YanWin (Disqualification)
UFC 273November 6, 2021Petr YanWin (Split Decision)

As the champion, Sterling holds the responsibility of representing the division and inspiring future fighters. His rise to the top has motivated aspiring athletes to push their limits and strive for greatness. Sterling’s championship reign has injected excitement and renewed interest into the Bantamweight division, making it one of the most competitive and anticipated divisions in the UFC.

In conclusion, Aljamain Sterling’s journey as the UFC Bantamweight Champion has been filled with triumph and resilience. His victory over Petr Yan, followed by successful title defenses, has solidified his position as a top-tier fighter. Sterling’s impact on the Bantamweight division is undeniable, and his reign as champion continues to shape the future of the division.

Aljamain Sterling’s Achievements and Records

Aljamain Sterling, standing at a height of 5 feet 7 inches (1.70 m), has established himself as one of the most accomplished fighters in the Bantamweight division. He holds several notable achievements and records that showcase his skill and dedication in the world of mixed martial arts.

UFC Bantamweight Records

Most Wins in UFC Bantamweight DivisionSterling holds the record for the most wins in UFC Bantamweight history. His impressive record of 23 wins demonstrates his consistency and ability to come out on top in competitive bouts.
Most Consecutive Wins in UFC Bantamweight DivisionSterling also holds the record for the most consecutive wins in the UFC Bantamweight division. His remarkable streak of victories showcases his dominance and skill in the division.

In addition to his records, Sterling has received prestigious awards for his performances. He has been honored with the Submission of the Year award for his impressive submission victories. Sterling’s ability to finish fights with his grappling skills has earned him recognition and respect within the MMA community.

“Aljamain Sterling’s achievements and records solidify his position as one of the greatest fighters in the Bantamweight division. His consistent success and ability to finish fights with submissions make him a formidable opponent for anyone in the division.” – MMA Analyst

With his numerous accomplishments, Aljamain Sterling has cemented his status as an elite fighter in the Bantamweight division. His skill set, combined with his determination and work ethic, make him a force to be reckoned with inside the Octagon.

Aljamain Sterling’s Training and Fighting Style

Aljamain Sterling is known for his unique and unorthodox fighting style, which has made him a standout in the world of mixed martial arts. His training and discipline at the Serra-Longo Fight Team have played a crucial role in shaping his skills and techniques.

Sterling’s focus on grappling and submissions has made him a formidable opponent inside the octagon. He holds a black belt in Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu and is proficient in wrestling, allowing him to excel in ground-based exchanges. His ability to transition seamlessly between different grappling techniques has given him an edge over his opponents.

In addition to his grappling prowess, Sterling has also honed his striking skills. He has developed a diverse arsenal of strikes, including powerful punches, kicks, and knees. His ability to mix up his striking and grappling has kept his opponents guessing and unable to establish a rhythm in their fights.

Fighting Style Highlights:

“My goal is to always push the boundaries of what is possible in the octagon. I want to showcase my unique style and leave a lasting impression on the sport of mixed martial arts.” – Aljamain Sterling

Aljamain Sterling’s Personal Life and Background

Aljamain Sterling, known for his impressive height of 5 feet 7 inches (1.70 m), is not only a talented mixed martial artist but also a humble and determined individual. His personal life has played a significant role in shaping his character and drive to succeed in the sport. Born to Jamaican parents on July 31, 1989, Sterling’s upbringing in Uniondale, New York, has instilled in him a strong work ethic and a desire to overcome challenges.

Prior to dedicating himself to mixed martial arts, Sterling held various jobs to support himself. He worked as a shoe salesman and even pursued a career as a hairstylist. However, his passion for martial arts eventually led him to focus on his fighting career, where he found his true calling. Today, Sterling’s perseverance and dedication are evident in his remarkable achievements in the sport.

Sterling’s Jamaican heritage is a source of pride for him and has influenced his fighting style. His determination and resilience reflect the spirit of his cultural background. Additionally, his experiences growing up in Uniondale, a small town in New York, have shaped his perspective and fueled his ambition to succeed in the world of mixed martial arts.

Overall, Aljamain Sterling’s personal life and background contribute to his success as a fighter. His humble beginnings, work ethic, and cultural heritage have inspired him to become the remarkable athlete he is today, making him a respected figure both inside and outside of the octagon.

Aljamain Sterling Personal Life

Aljamain Sterling’s Personal Life at a Glance:

Date of BirthJuly 31, 1989
Height5 feet 7 inches (1.70 m)
UpbringingUniondale, New York
Previous CareersShoe Salesman, Hairstylist

Aljamain Sterling’s Influence and Impact

Aljamain Sterling has made a significant impact on the world of mixed martial arts, both inside and outside the octagon. His achievements and inspiring journey have established him as a role model and an influential figure in the sport.

As the reigning UFC Bantamweight Champion, Sterling’s success has inspired and motivated many aspiring fighters. His dedication to his craft and continuous improvement in his skills make him a true inspiration for those looking to pursue a career in MMA.

But Sterling’s influence goes beyond his fighting prowess. He has become a vocal advocate for mental health awareness and has used his platform to raise awareness about the challenges faced by athletes. Sterling’s openness about his own struggles has resonated with fans and fellow fighters, fostering a sense of unity and support within the MMA community.

“I want to use my platform to inspire others and show them that no matter what challenges they face, they can overcome them. It’s not just about winning fights, but about making a positive impact on the world.” – Aljamain Sterling

With his charisma, talent, and unwavering determination, Aljamain Sterling continues to shape the future of the Bantamweight division and leave a lasting impact on the sport of mixed martial arts.

aljamain sterling influence

T.J. DillashawFormer champion, known for aggressive fighting style and technical prowess.
Cory SandhagenTop contender with impressive striking abilities.
Petr YanThe rematch with the former opponent, generating significant interest.

Aljamain Sterling’s Grappling and Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu Career

In addition to his successful mixed martial arts career, Aljamain Sterling has a strong background in grappling and Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu. His expertise in these disciplines has played a crucial role in his success inside the Octagon.

Sterling holds a black belt in Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu under the guidance of renowned MMA coach Matt Serra. This level of accomplishment showcases his deep understanding of ground fighting techniques and submission holds, which he has effectively utilized in his MMA fights.

Throughout his career, Sterling has demonstrated his grappling prowess by executing impressive takedowns and dominating his opponents on the ground. His ability to control the fight and secure submissions has led to many victories and earned him recognition as a formidable force in the Bantamweight division.

One of Sterling’s notable accomplishments in grappling came in 2013 when he competed in the Eddie Bravo Invitational, a prestigious submission-only grappling tournament. He showcased his skills against high-level opponents, further solidifying his reputation as a top-tier grappler.

With his strong background in Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu and his unique grappling style, Aljamain Sterling brings a well-rounded set of skills to the table. His proficiency in ground fighting and submission holds continues to be a key element of his overall fighting strategy.

Aljamain Sterling’s Impact on the Bantamweight Division

Aljamain Sterling’s presence in the Bantamweight division has been nothing short of transformative. His dynamic fighting style, combined with his impressive skills and dedication, has had a significant impact on the division’s landscape.

Sterling’s rise to the top of the division and his championship-winning performance have raised the bar for all fighters in the Bantamweight category. His ability to finish fights and consistently deliver exciting performances has earned him a devoted fan base and cemented his status as a force to be reckoned with.

Not only has Aljamain Sterling elevated the status of the Bantamweight division, but he has also inspired younger fighters with his inspiring journey and success in the sport. His determination and continuous improvement serve as a shining example for aspiring fighters, showing them what can be achieved through hard work and dedication.

With his impact on the division, Aljamain Sterling has helped to shape the future of Bantamweight fighting. As he continues to defend his title and take on top contenders, the excitement and anticipation surrounding his fights further solidify his place as a prominent figure in the sport.

Table: Aljamain Sterling’s Impact on the Bantamweight Division

Elevated StatusSterling’s rise to the top of the division has elevated the status of the Bantamweight category, attracting more attention and competition.
InspirationHis inspiring journey and success in the sport serve as a source of inspiration for aspiring fighters, motivating them to pursue their dreams.
ExcitementSterling’s exciting fighting style and ability to finish fights generate excitement and anticipation among fans and fellow fighters.
Future ImpactAs Sterling continues to defend his title and take on top contenders, his impact on the Bantamweight division is likely to grow, shaping its future.


In conclusion, despite his height of 5 feet 7 inches (1.70 m), Aljamain Sterling has proven that size is not the sole determinant of success in mixed martial arts. His remarkable journey from Uniondale, New York, to becoming the UFC Bantamweight Champion showcases his unwavering determination and dedication to the sport.

Throughout his career, Sterling has left an indelible impact on the Bantamweight division. His unique fighting style, which blends his grappling expertise and unorthodox techniques, has captivated fans and opponents alike. His influential presence has inspired aspiring fighters, making him a role model for many.

With the UFC championship title in his possession, Aljamain Sterling’s future appears promising. As he continues to defend his title against top contenders, including former champion T.J. Dillashaw, Sterling’s skill set and unwavering drive make him a formidable force in the Bantamweight division.


How tall is Aljamain Sterling?

Aljamain Sterling stands at a height of 5 feet 7 inches (1.70 m).

What is Aljamain Sterling’s wrestling background?

Aljamain Sterling began wrestling at Uniondale High School and continued his wrestling career at Morrisville State College and Cortland, becoming a two-time NCAA Division III All-American.

When did Aljamain Sterling start his mixed martial arts career?

Aljamain Sterling made his professional MMA debut in 2011.

Who did Aljamain Sterling fight in the UFC?

Aljamain Sterling has faced notable opponents such as Cody Gibson, Hugo Viana, and Takeya Mizugaki.

How did Aljamain Sterling become the UFC Bantamweight Champion?

Aljamain Sterling won the UFC Bantamweight Championship by disqualification in a bout against Petr Yan at UFC 259.

How many title defenses has Aljamain Sterling had?

Aljamain Sterling holds the record for the most consecutive title defenses in UFC Bantamweight history.

What are some of Aljamain Sterling’s achievements?

Aljamain Sterling has received awards such as Submission of the Year and Comeback of the Year.

Where does Aljamain Sterling train?

Aljamain Sterling trains at the Serra-Longo Fight Team in Long Island, New York.

What is Aljamain Sterling’s fighting style?

Aljamain Sterling is known for his well-rounded skill set, with a focus on grappling and submissions.

What is Aljamain Sterling’s background?

Aljamain Sterling was born in Uniondale, New York, to Jamaican parents.

How has Aljamain Sterling impacted the world of mixed martial arts?

Aljamain Sterling’s rise to the top and his championship-winning performance have elevated the status of the Bantamweight division.

What is Aljamain Sterling’s future in the UFC?

Aljamain Sterling is expected to defend his title against top contenders in the division, including former champion T.J. Dillashaw.

What is Aljamain Sterling’s grappling background?

Aljamain Sterling holds a black belt in Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu and has showcased his grappling skills in both MMA fights and professional grappling competitions.

How has Aljamain Sterling impacted the Bantamweight division?

Aljamain Sterling’s presence has had a significant impact on the division’s landscape, elevating its status and entertaining the fans with his exciting fighting style.
