Macklemore issues apology following accusations of anti-semitism | Music

Publish date: 2024-03-24
Music This article is more than 9 years old

Macklemore issues apology following accusations of anti-semitism

This article is more than 9 years old

'I wasn’t attempting to mimic any culture,' writes the rapper, who faced critisism after performing while dressed in a prosthetic nose and black wig

Macklemore has apologised following accusations of anti-semitism, after performing a concert in fancy dress that was claimed by some to evoke Jewish stereotypes. The singer took the stage wearing a black suit, dark wig, fake beard and a large prosthetic nose, which he has described as a "random costume".

This controversy emerged as fans and bloggers posted photographs from Macklemore's gig on 16 May, at Seattle's Experience Music Project museum. The Thrift Shop rapper was a surprise guest at the opening night party for the museum's Spectacle: The Music Video exhibit. Guests had been invited to "dress [up] as your favorite music icon or video character".

Macklemore was wearing the costume when he appeared at the show and did explain the outfit during the show. The suit, wig and facial hair seemed, to many critics, like an imitation of Hasidic Jewish fashion.

Macklemore's response was initially via Twitter. "A fake witches nose, wig, and beard = random costume. Not my idea of a stereotype of anybody," he wrote following the show. "Really??" responded actor Seth Rogen. "Because if I told someone to put together an anti Semitic Jew costume, they'd have that exact shopping list." Another tweeter, the cultural commentator Jay Smooth, called on Macklemore to take more responsibility. "With respect tho: we're accountable for the impact of things we do, not just things we meant to do," he wrote.

Macklemore: Spectacle Opening Night Party at the EMP Museum in Seattle Photograph: Lindsey Wasson/AP Photograph: Lindsey Wasson/AP

However, on Monday night, Macklemore issued a statement via his website.

Family, friends and fans alike who know me well, know that I’m absolutely not the person described in certain headlines today. There is no worse feeling than being misunderstood, especially when people are hurt or offended.

The artist went on to describe how the costume was created so that he could "go incognito" to the event, so that he could walk around unnoticed and surprise the crowd with his short performance. "I picked up a bunch of fake mustaches [sic] and beards and grabbed a left over wig from our recent trip to Japan," he writes. "Disguise was the intention."

To some, Macklemore says, he looked like Ringo or Abe Lincoln. "The character I dressed up as on Friday had no intended cultural identity or background. I wasn’t attempting to mimic any culture, nor resemble one. A “Jewish stereotype” never crossed my mind."

He goes on to acknowledge how the costume could have been misread and apologises to those he may have offended.

The Heist, Macklemore's 2012 album with Ryan Lewis, has been awarded a gold sales certificate in the UK. Its lead single, Thrift Shop, was the No 2 single worldwide for the year 2013.
